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  • Truck on the road

    Information & Surcharges

    A transport is subject to various surcharges, which are adjusted every month to follow the costs in the market.

    When booking land transport, you must place your booking before 12:00 noon on the previous day.

    State the number of items, the measurements and the weight of the consignment and whether you wish to buy our cargo insurance. 

    If your consignment weighs less than 2,500 kg, please book our DB SCHENKER system solution. If you require a specific lead time, please book DB SCHENKER system premium, which guarantees you a specific lead time.

    For consignments in excess of 2,500 kg, please book our DB SCHENKER part load or DB SCHENKER full load solution.


    Find lead times here

    The war in Ukraine and its significance for DB Schenker's operation

    Here you will find the latest updates on how the war in Ukraine is affecting our operation. The serious situation in Ukraine places extra demands on our operations, as the situation can change at short notice. We therefore ask all of our customers to contact their contact person at DB Schenker before booking transports involving Ukraine, Russia or Belarus. This is because we sometimes need additional information from you as a customer.

    • As a result of the fluctuating oil prices, an oil surcharge is imposed on the freight price, which is adjusted according to an average price of the oil.

      Fuel Surcharge:

      International traffic as the 1st of January 2024:


      Energy surcharge national traffic as the 1st of January 2024: *)


      *) Applies to all agreements entered after 1 January 2022.

    • As a consequence of the EU's mobility package, DB Schenker has introduced a mobility package surcharge on international transports effective from 14 February 2022.

      Sweden, Norway, Finland   

        11 percent

      Other countries 

       8 percent

      We reserve the right to adjust the above surcharge.

    • Capacity surcharge amounts to:

       8,3 percent

      We reserve the right to adjust the above surcharge.

    • ETS Surcharge is updated every month, see more in the below documents:

    • When you pay an environmental fee, you help to:

      • cover environmental charges for hauliers,
      • cover environmental costs at terminals, storage hotels and container suppliers,
      • contribute to the maintenance of emission calculators and reports
      • limit CO2 emissions
      • cover costs for the development of climate-friendly solutions and thus contribute to the green transition.

      The environmental contribution amounts to: DKK 3.5%, however max. DKK 150 per shipment.

    • Product
      • DB SCHENKERsystem
        Transport up to a maximum of 2,500 kg or 10 cbm


      (SMS Info or email)

      0 DKK

      Fix Day

      Day of delivery predefined by customer

      205 DKK

      Fix Day 10

      Delivery before 10

      Fix Day +
      455 DKK

      Fix Day 13

      Delivery before 13

      Fix Day +
      205 DKK

      Fix Day TBA

      Consignee to be contacted to agree on delivery day

      335 DKK

      Automated Fix Day TBA

      Email or SMS to consignee,
      sending a link for decision of delivery day

      270 DKK


      • DB SCHENKERsystem premium

      Standard fragt + 30%

      Premium 10

      Delivery before 10

      Premium + 455 DKK

      Premium 13

      Delivery before 13

      Premium + 205 DKK


      goes to Atmosfair, a German NGO that works with environmental projects in +15 countries. A transport of 1,000 kg, which is transported 1,000 km, gives DKK 12.68 to Atmosfair

      1.27 DKK per ton/100 km

      DKK 3.73

      • DB SCHENKERpart load & DB SCHENKERfull load
        Transports larger than 2,500 kg or 10 cbm
      Pre-notice for collection/delivery
      Call the recipient before collection or delivery.
      The call is a passive piece of information and does not give rise to further arrangements for collection/delivery.

      150 DKK


      Fix Day for collection/delivery
      Collection/delivery on a given date.
      Fix Day collection/delivery may influence the collection or delivery time. This is to avoid storage.

      745 DKK


      Time Window for collection or delivery
      Offered in the morning (09.00-12.00) or afternoon (13.00-16.00).

      1.490 DKK

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    We use first party cookies and similar technologies to ensure that you get the best possible experience on our website. Cookies provide us with statistics to adjust and optimize the setting and content of this website to your interests and to place relevant advertisement by using first and third parties, too. By clicking "Allow all Cookies" you accept the processing of your data and its transfer to first and third parties. By clicking "Reject Tracking" you will only accept the necessary cookies for the operation of this website. 

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  • Cookies and tracking scripts

    We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, which are not mandatory for the technical functions of the website. Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be stored.

    Our privacy policy is intended to ensure that you are fully aware of the collection and processing of data, including through the use of cookies through our sites, and that you can make a decision that is appropriately informed. However you can change your cookie settings at any time.

    Please find further information within our data privacy policy.