Poiščite si natančno to, kar iščete

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  • Man in a business suit standing next to the wheel of a large airplane
    • Delovna kultura
    • Raznolikost in vključenost
    • Naši zaposleni

    Air Freight Experts

    Quicker, Faster, Better – By Air

    The demand for “need it yesterday” is possible thanks to our air freight department. Air freight is the quickest go-to solution for many businesses. And our air freight department provides the maximum levels of flexibility and optimization for our air cargo customer’s needs.

    If you aim high for yourself in terms of service, responsiveness, and flexibility – then this might be for you! If you love to deal with customers and help them solve their opportunities quickly and accurately – then we're looking forward to meeting you.

    While working in our air freight department, you’ll help our customers get goods to their destinations, by providing fast delivery of cargo while minimizing unexpected delays or obstacles. Are you ready for the challenge? If you are proactive and can act quickly, apply to our open opportunities in the air freight department now.

    Are you ready to fly?

    If you want to be part of a global network with several thousand colleagues, you need to consider our air freight teams. 

    Our air freight teams are looking for those that want to aim high, take quick decision, have a can-do attitude, and can find pragmatic solutions. This is where you can fly.

    Man with ear protection standing beneath the tail of a cargo plane, speaking into a radio

    Fast, furious and a lot of fun. It won’t matter where the goods are going, or how quickly they need to get there, it’s your challenge to make it happen.

    By working for us, you will be able to:

    • Deliver amazing results for our customers
    • Be part of an integrated team
    • Work with motivated and positive individuals
    • Rise to the challenge
    • Increase your job satisfaction

    Selected Job Offers

    Soglasje za uporabo piškotkov in zbiranje podatkov

    Piškotke uporabljamo za optimizacijo našega spletnega mesta in njegovo nenehno izboljševanje. Za to med drugim uporabljamo Adobe Analytics. Z nadaljnjo uporabo te strani se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Več  informacij o piškotkih in kako jih onemogočiti lahko najdete v našem pravilniku o zasebnosti.

  • Piškotki in sledenje

    Želimo vam omogočiti in podati vse informacije, da se boste lahko odločili za ali proti uporabi piškotkov, ki niso nujno potrebni za tehnično delovanje spletne strani.  Piškotki so majhne besedilne datoteke, v katerih je mogoče shraniti osebne podatke.

    Naš pravilnik o zasebnosti je namenjen zagotavljanju, da ste v celoti seznanjeni z zbiranjem in obdelavo podatkov, vključno z uporabo piškotkov na naših spletnih straneh, in da lahko na podlagi vseh informacij sprejmete vašo odločitev. Nastavitve piškotkov pa lahko kadar koli spremenite.

    Več informacij najdete v naši politiki zasebnosti.