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  • Warehousing

    Assistant Project Manager

    Beijing, Kitajska
    Career Level
    Vrsta zaposlitve, Vrsta dela
    Full time
    Datum in ID-št. izdaje
    , 344552

    Your tasks

    • Oversee warehouse inbound and outbound operation, picking, pre-packing, WO kitting, LH management, WO return and tooling.
    • Strategically manage shipping / receiving area (warehouse) in compliance with company's policies and vision.
    • Co-work with clients to ensure the operation is running safely and secured under company policy.
    • Initiate, coordinate and enforce optimal operational policies and SOPs.
    • Manage stock control and reconcile with Oracle data system.
    • Analyse relevant reports and data indicators, problem shooting, provide solutions to meet customers satisfaction.
    • Review business process and initiate by giving suggestions to drive for continuous warehouse improvement and warehouse efficiency
    • Deal with planning, administration and general management issues of warehouse team which include the day-to-day supervision of staff, and overseeing work organized by all sites supervisors.
    • Recruit, train the staffs including supervisors, leaders and operators to meet the company requirements.
    • Receive feedback and monitor the quality of services provided.
    • Handling communication with internal departments and external suppliers.
    • Perform any special duties / projects as assigned by the management.


    • Computer literate including WMS
    • Excellent command of written and spoken of English and Mandarin
    • Extensive knowledge and understanding of logistics operations and account management
    • Innovative, assertive, customer-oriented and analytical
    • Possess core competences including leadership, managing change, target and result focus, entrepreneurial responsibility and team steering
    • Bachelor or equivalent, preferably in Logistics Management.
    • Minimum 8 years relevant experience in supply chain management, with 5 years' experience in managerial position
    • Manpower management, analytical and project management skills are required

    Our offer

    This position is responsible to manage a Logistics Operations team to achieve industry best practice and match or exceed customer requirements in the most cost effective manner.

    Soglasje za uporabo piškotkov in zbiranje podatkov

    Piškotke uporabljamo za optimizacijo našega spletnega mesta in njegovo nenehno izboljševanje. Za to med drugim uporabljamo Adobe Analytics. Z nadaljnjo uporabo te strani se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Več  informacij o piškotkih in kako jih onemogočiti lahko najdete v našem pravilniku o zasebnosti.

  • Piškotki in sledenje

    Želimo vam omogočiti in podati vse informacije, da se boste lahko odločili za ali proti uporabi piškotkov, ki niso nujno potrebni za tehnično delovanje spletne strani.  Piškotki so majhne besedilne datoteke, v katerih je mogoče shraniti osebne podatke.

    Naš pravilnik o zasebnosti je namenjen zagotavljanju, da ste v celoti seznanjeni z zbiranjem in obdelavo podatkov, vključno z uporabo piškotkov na naših spletnih straneh, in da lahko na podlagi vseh informacij sprejmete vašo odločitev. Nastavitve piškotkov pa lahko kadar koli spremenite.

    Več informacij najdete v naši politiki zasebnosti.