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    DBS - Supervisão Desembaraço

    São Paulo, Brazilija
    Career Level
    Vrsta zaposlitve, Vrsta dela
    Full time
    Datum in ID-št. izdaje
    , 345847

    Your tasks

    What will you enjoy doing (duties/tasks):

    • Provide guidance to teams and clients on legislation, procedures, and inquiries.
    • Manage overtime hours and vacation schedules alongside supervision.
    • Conduct initial cost control analysis and monitor process control reports.
    • Lead the creation and presentation of KPIs for performance tracking.
    • Support client implementation and issue/revise SOPs with the team.
    • Oversee the distribution of tasks and leadership among team members.
    • Organize and deliver training to staff when necessary.
    • Participate in hiring, interviews, and performance reviews.
    • Conduct client visits and operational meetings to align on goals.
    • Coordinate occasional support for vacation coverage or increased workloads.


    What you need to succeed (qualifications, experience, skills, attributes):

    • Bachelor's degree completed or in progress.
    • Previous experience as a Senior Analyst or Coordinator.
    • Intermediate proficiency in English and Microsoft Office.
    • Strong communication, leadership, and organizational skills.
    • Familiarity with Ibroker, Import Sys, and Broker Sys systems is a plus.

    Our offer

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.

    Job Overview

    As a Supervisão Desembaraço in our Customs team, you will play a key role in guiding teams and clients through complex logistics processes while ensuring the smooth execution of daily operations. Your role will involve overseeing compliance with regulations, managing key performance indicators, and supporting team members and clients to achieve seamless service delivery.

    Soglasje za uporabo piškotkov in zbiranje podatkov

    Piškotke uporabljamo za optimizacijo našega spletnega mesta in njegovo nenehno izboljševanje. Za to med drugim uporabljamo Adobe Analytics. Z nadaljnjo uporabo te strani se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Več  informacij o piškotkih in kako jih onemogočiti lahko najdete v našem pravilniku o zasebnosti.

  • Piškotki in sledenje

    Želimo vam omogočiti in podati vse informacije, da se boste lahko odločili za ali proti uporabi piškotkov, ki niso nujno potrebni za tehnično delovanje spletne strani.  Piškotki so majhne besedilne datoteke, v katerih je mogoče shraniti osebne podatke.

    Naš pravilnik o zasebnosti je namenjen zagotavljanju, da ste v celoti seznanjeni z zbiranjem in obdelavo podatkov, vključno z uporabo piškotkov na naših spletnih straneh, in da lahko na podlagi vseh informacij sprejmete vašo odločitev. Nastavitve piškotkov pa lahko kadar koli spremenite.

    Več informacij najdete v naši politiki zasebnosti.