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    Executive, Inside Sales - Air Freight

    ราชอาณาจักรไทย, Tajska
    Career Level
    Vrsta zaposlitve, Vrsta dela
    Full time
    Datum in ID-št. izdaje
    , 368496

    Your tasks

    • To achieve the assigned turnover, GP and certain product volumes.
    • Explore new air freight business opportunities in the market in order to acquire new customers.
    • Identify target customers, analyze their business needs and make appropriate proposal.
    • Develop and maintain existing business at his/her own sales territory through value added services.
    • Prepare the monthly sales cycle planning based on the assigned individual targets.
    • Completion of sales compliance and regular update (Appointment, Contact Report, Opportunities Pipeline and Sales Lead).
    • Maintain customer profile and re-new quotation if rates are expired.
    • Achieve DSO according to company target.
    • Generate own sales leads through customers referral.
    • Other responsibilities as per Sales Manager assignment.
    • Maintain and follow company rules, regulations and Health, Safety and Environmental Standards.


    * Bachelor's degree or higher in any field.
    * Minimum 1 years experience in Freight Forwarding business or any related logistics industry.
    * Selling skills.
    * Problem solving and Negotiations skills.
    * Computer skills.
    * English language skills.
    * Air freight product knowledge
    * Time Management skills.

    Our offer

    Execute sales plan consistently with a view to achieve sales target. Provide management market data such as potential customer, its traffic matrix, sector and competition to enable management to formulate effective sales strategy. Ensure accurate maintain of records on sales activities by preparing regular report and analysis of activity. Promote growth of Schenker business to follow up sales leads, number of sales visit and retain the existing business.

    Soglasje za uporabo piškotkov in zbiranje podatkov

    Piškotke uporabljamo za optimizacijo našega spletnega mesta in njegovo nenehno izboljševanje. Za to med drugim uporabljamo Adobe Analytics. Z nadaljnjo uporabo te strani se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Več  informacij o piškotkih in kako jih onemogočiti lahko najdete v našem pravilniku o zasebnosti.

  • Piškotki in sledenje

    Želimo vam omogočiti in podati vse informacije, da se boste lahko odločili za ali proti uporabi piškotkov, ki niso nujno potrebni za tehnično delovanje spletne strani.  Piškotki so majhne besedilne datoteke, v katerih je mogoče shraniti osebne podatke.

    Naš pravilnik o zasebnosti je namenjen zagotavljanju, da ste v celoti seznanjeni z zbiranjem in obdelavo podatkov, vključno z uporabo piškotkov na naših spletnih straneh, in da lahko na podlagi vseh informacij sprejmete vašo odločitev. Nastavitve piškotkov pa lahko kadar koli spremenite.

    Več informacij najdete v naši politiki zasebnosti.