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    The basis for the initiation of the claim process is an official claim notification addressed to Schenker Sp. z o.o.

    Detailed description of the claim process, the scope of responsibility of Schenker Sp. z o.o. and the rules for processing claims are described in the Terms and Conditions of Service and Terms and Conditions of Domestic Service. Claims should be submitted as soon as possible, bearing in mind the statutory limitation periods for claims.

    The preferred form of filing a claim is to use one of the dedicated claim handling IT systems provided by Schenker.

    Employees sitting in front of a computer in the office and check data together
    © DB Schenker

    DB SCHENKER connect * using the eClaims module

    e-connect* using the eClaims form

    * in order to correctly select the appropriate IT system for filing/processing a claim, contact the Customer Service Department

    Employees sitting in front of a computer in the office and check data together
    © DB Schenker

    DB SCHENKER connect * using the eClaims module

    Remember that the claim report should always include the following details:

    List of documents that should be attached to the claim:

    Should you have any additional questions, please contact us.

    Customer Service Centre (Domestic transport)

    Customer Service Centre (International transport)


    If you do not have access to the claim handling electronic systems provided by DB SCHENKER, use the form below:

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