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  • Warehousing

    Assistant Project Manager

    Beijing, Čína
    Career Level
    Typ pracovního poměru, Typ pracovní pozice
    Full time
    Datum vydání, ID-Nr.
    , 344552

    Vaše úkoly

    • Oversee warehouse inbound and outbound operation, picking, pre-packing, WO kitting, LH management, WO return and tooling.
    • Strategically manage shipping / receiving area (warehouse) in compliance with company's policies and vision.
    • Co-work with clients to ensure the operation is running safely and secured under company policy.
    • Initiate, coordinate and enforce optimal operational policies and SOPs.
    • Manage stock control and reconcile with Oracle data system.
    • Analyse relevant reports and data indicators, problem shooting, provide solutions to meet customers satisfaction.
    • Review business process and initiate by giving suggestions to drive for continuous warehouse improvement and warehouse efficiency
    • Deal with planning, administration and general management issues of warehouse team which include the day-to-day supervision of staff, and overseeing work organized by all sites supervisors.
    • Recruit, train the staffs including supervisors, leaders and operators to meet the company requirements.
    • Receive feedback and monitor the quality of services provided.
    • Handling communication with internal departments and external suppliers.
    • Perform any special duties / projects as assigned by the management.


    • Computer literate including WMS
    • Excellent command of written and spoken of English and Mandarin
    • Extensive knowledge and understanding of logistics operations and account management
    • Innovative, assertive, customer-oriented and analytical
    • Possess core competences including leadership, managing change, target and result focus, entrepreneurial responsibility and team steering
    • Bachelor or equivalent, preferably in Logistics Management.
    • Minimum 8 years relevant experience in supply chain management, with 5 years' experience in managerial position
    • Manpower management, analytical and project management skills are required

    Naše nabídka

    This position is responsible to manage a Logistics Operations team to achieve industry best practice and match or exceed customer requirements in the most cost effective manner.

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