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    People and Organization

    Building the Best Team in the World

    Our People & Organization department is what makes our 76,100 worldwide employees a team. It allows everyone to do their part while being unique in their own way. People & Organization helps us to come together irrespective of our backgrounds and serve the common purpose of spreading smiles across the globe through our services. To emphasize our focus on people, we have been on a transformation journey from Human Resources to People & Organization (P&O). Find out more here.

    Our People & Organization specialists are responsible for sourcing, screening, interviewing and placing the best talent into our network. They also drive talent and succession management, handle employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training both locally and globally.

    We search for individuality and diversity, mindset, and positivity. We look for those that show persistence, can be bold and not just those that conform.

    We look for unique people with diverse portfolios and ask them the right questions. We believe that in order to build a better tomorrow, one must build the best teams.

    Are you an original thinker who believes that it is the people who make organizations great? Do you have the talent of identifying gems and polishing them to become the best they can? 

    If yes, then apply to work with us today and spread your wings to fly!

    Are you ready to do this?

    This is where we bring the best out of our teams!

    This is where we devise ways to work, have fun, grow together as a team. This is where it all begins. Our true “People Function” helps us move forward by bringing in highly motivated and steadfast individuals like you.

    This is where we develop each and every person to make sure they get the best chance to show their true potential.

    Woman sitting in company cafeteria with a DB SCHENKER cup smiling into camera

    Work with us if you want to:

    • Have fun while doing things that matter
    • Grow and achieve your true potential
    • Help others excel and achieve more 
    • Hunt for the right person for the right job at the right time
    • Gain instant support, recognition, and respect 

    Selected Job Offers

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