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  • Woman in business outfit with lanyard around her neck smiling into the camera
    • Arbeitskultur
    • Vielfalt und Inklusion
    • Unsere Menschen

    Marketing and Public Relations

    Great Stories for Great Customers

    We are continuously breaking barriers, and bringing a change in global logistics, and not just in how we move goods, but how we communicate. This is what excites us and gives us energy. 

    That's why our marketing and public relations teams love to share our internal innovations and our client’s success stories. They design storylines that are just as dynamic as our operations. But, the entire story creating process starts with listening.

    There are times when the best stories come from our customers – framed by authenticity and human spirit. This department is looking for, and communicating, authentic stories, unique occurrences, and recent advancements to connect better with our customers. This is where we motivate our team and our customers to come together to achieve the amazing.

    If you believe that you can touch, inspire and motivate our stakeholders with your creative marketing and public relations skills, then we want to invite you to our team.

    Are you ready to do this?

    If meeting new people, creativity, influencing others, and connecting with the world is what you are good at, then we would love to meet you!

    By working with us, you will get to write the future with us. 

    Young man with glasses sitting behind a computer screen in an office looking out the window smiling

    You will be our image, spreading the news and sharing our message to internal teams and customers. This is where you get to be outgoing and creative and think of ways to present us in a unique way! With us, you get to:

    • Create marketing that leave a lasting impact
    • Working with cross-functional teams
    • Leverage and learn the power of the latest marketing tools
    • Build a portfolio that expands your horizons
    • Boost your creativity and put it to work
    • Amaze our stakeholders with innovations and insights from our logistics universe
    • Talk and write about world moving news

    Selected Job Offers

    • Singapore, Singapur

      Senior Manager - Business Development & Product VM APAC

      Marketing/Public Relations
      Berufseinsteiger, Vollzeit

      Job anzeigen
    • Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

      Communication Manager & Multimedia-Editor with focus on external communications (f/m/d)

      Marketing/Public Relations
      Berufserfahrene, Vollzeit

      Job anzeigen

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