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    Especialista de Seguridad Ocupacional, Calidad y Medio Ambiente / Occupational Safety, Quality and Environment Specialist

    Guatemala, Guatemala
    Career Level
    Typ pozície, Typ práce
    Full time
    Dátum zverejnenia, identifikačné číslo
    , 346719

    Your tasks

    What will you enjoy doing (duties/tasks)

    • Responsible for the implementation of local regulations, and HSSE (Health, Safety, Security & Environment) procedures in the organization in all areas of the office, warehouse
    • Responsible for monitoring activities to ensure the implementation of HSSE measures through risk assessments, audits, and actions taken based on non-conformity reports
    • Develop specific HSSE training and general awareness training according to category of collaborators . Secure training records
    • Assist sales staff, when necessary, to discuss HSSE matters with clients
    • As a certified auditor responsible for coordinating internal and external audits of QHSSE, Certifications and specific controls at irregular intervals
    • Report to Management any significant HSSE non-compliance and incidents in relation to the operation of the company
    • Create, implement, maintain and improve ISO Quality Management processes
    • Create, implement, maintain and improve the Control and Security Management System processes (SGCS -OAS)
    • Preparation of formats and procedures
    • Comply with Occupational Health and Safety, Quality and Environment rules and regulations
    • Develop and direct Occupational Health and Safety, Quality and Environment programs
    • Create a risk matrix related to Occupational Health and Safety, Quality and Environment
    • Provide training to staff related to quality and occupational health
    • Organize and integrate the Bipartite committee


    What you need to succeed (Qualifications, experience, skills, attributes)

    • Experience of at least 2 years as a Quality Specialist or Health, Safety, Security & Environment
    • Experience working as an Auditor and monitor registered in the Ministry of Labor.
    • Highly proficient in verbal and written English (Intermediate)
    • University professional in Occupational Health and Safety, Quality or similar
    • Knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety Management, Ergonomics, Quality Regulations, Definition of procedures.
    • Effective communication, work under objectives & self-manageable.


    Mental Health and Well-being, Professional Development, Work-life Balance, Working Internationally

    Our offer

    Implement a Health and Safety Occupations, Quality and Environment Management system in accordance with the provisions of Guatemalan legal regulations, through the planning, supervision, coordination and evaluation of procedures, standards and programs aimed at the personnel of Schenker, S.A. Ensure the availability of appropriate instruments for the implementation of Good Distribution Practices (GDP) requirements in accordance with WHO and EU guideline.

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