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    Junior Human Resources Business Partner Jundiaí

    Jundiaí, Brazília
    Career Level
    Typ pozície, Typ práce
    Full time
    Dátum zverejnenia, identifikačné číslo
    , 381102

    Your tasks


    • Support the Recruitment and Selection process in the absence of the recruitment area.
    • Develop and implement strategies to enhance recruitment and selection processes.
    • Handle quotations with recruitment and selection agencies.
    • Conduct market research to ensure competitive compensation and benefits packages.
    • Assist with documentation verification for the Personnel Department during the admission process.

    Personnel Administration:

    • Manage documents and administrative processes related to hiring, dismissals, promotions, and transfers.
    • Ensure timely processing of contractual documents.
    • Upload documents to the Aconso digital platform.

    Benefits & Compensation:

    • Administer company benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, and transportation vouchers.
    • Complete the admission kit and manage benefits changes within deadlines.
    • Distribute food voucher cards in designated warehouses.


    What you need to succeed?

    • University degree or ongoing studies in Business Administration, Psychology, or related fields.
    • Experience at less 2 years in HR administration, focusing on compensation & benefits and training & development.
    • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite.
    • Knowledge of Labor Laws and interest in updates.
    • Interest in Training & Development.
    • Advanced English skills.


    Competitive Salary Package, Health and Life Insurance, Professional Development, Work-life Balance, Working Internationally

    Our offer

    Junior HRBP

    Job Overview

    At Schenker International we are looking for a HR Business Partner professional to assist with recruitment, personnel administration, and benefits management. The role involves supporting key HR processes, ensuring compliance with labor laws, and managing administrative tasks. Ideal candidates have experience in HR administration, a strong understanding of compensation & benefits, and advanced English skills.

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