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  • Generálne riaditeľstvo

    Head of Compliance and Risk Management

    Dubai, Spojené arabské emiráty
    Career Level
    Manažment & Vedúci pracovníci
    Typ pozície, Typ práce
    Full time
    Dátum zverejnenia, identifikačné číslo
    , 344730

    Your tasks

    • Responsible to establish, develop and maintain procedures for the general operation of the company group programs for Compliance, Risk Management - Claims & Insurance and Sustainability and its related activities to prevent illegal, unethical or improper conduct.
    • Collaborate and provide guidance to the management in the region and the respective countries and advisory bodies globally.
    • To handle, review, monitor and audit country operations on general policy matters for the company, including but not limited to Compliance, Security, Health and Safety, Environment / Sustainability, and Risk Management and to ensure that the standards and/or policies are consistently complied.

    Main Tasks

    • Review, revise and develop appropriate compliance, risk management and Sustainability procedures and policies to ensure alignment with global policies so that plans and implementation programs can be carried out to improve operational efficiency.
    • To lead reports of inspection, implementation and even investigations then come up with sound recommendations to address issues on hand and to ensure non-recurrence while referring issues to the appropriate function or department manager.
    • Initiate activities to create awareness and a culture of compliance to policies and procedures within the organization such as direct training / program deployment to all employees, contractors or other third parties.
    • Represent the company in meetings / forums in relevant internal advisory bodies and external associations or organizations pertaining to compliance, risk management and sustainability matters where the company is an active member or applying for membership.
    • Liaise directly and/or provide necessary assistance to internal and external contacts such as customers, suppliers/partners, certifying bodies, and government institutions on matters relating to compliance, risk management and Sustainability.
    • Collaborate with all operational and support groups to provide consultative sessions on matters relating to compliance, risk management and sustainability even extending to customers and suppliers as may be necessary.
    • Properly file, update and safe keep all pertinent documents/ records of the company as defined in the Regional ISO IMS certification requirements and other relevant internal / global policies.
    • Provide complete and timely documents/reports (i.e. process review reports, regional reports, etc) required by concerned departments and/or HO.


    • Relevant years of experience in the same field.
    • Graduate of any field.
    • Leadership skills.
    • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively across cultures and geographies.


    Company Events, Compensation & Benefits, Connect to the Office (Remote working), Flexible Working Culture, Professional Development, Volunteering & Social Responsibility, Work-life Balance, Working Internationally

    Our offer

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 72,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.

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