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    Executive Assistant II

    USA, Spojené štáty
    Career Level
    Typ pozície, Typ práce
    Full time
    Dátum zverejnenia, identifikačné číslo
    , 382638

    Your tasks

    Responsible for providing high quality administrative and executive assistance to the Regional Senior Management Team leaders. Manages day to day tasks as well as projects for the SMT team. Executes special or continuous research and data analysis tasks. Analyzes problems, determines approach, compiles and analyzes data and prepares reports and recommendations. Coordinate activities between departments and outside parties. Contacts company personnel at all organizational levels to gather information and prepare reports. Work is generally of a critical or confidential nature. Tasks & Responsibilities: * Compile data and statistical information; develop reports and special projects as delegated by management * Assist in coordinating planning activities within organization, including long range planning and strategic design * Assist in preparation of budgets * Maintain files and correspondence for management * Schedule appointments and coordinate travel calendars for management * Coordinate staff meetings and maintain conference room meeting schedule * Review personnel forms from management for correctness and forwards to Human Resources * Perform various secretarial duties as needed


    Details/Specification/Explanation of the role specific skills: This is an Executive Assistant level II position. Solid interpersonal and analytical skills required. Bachelor's degree or equivalent strongly preferred. Generally, prefer 2-4 years of related experience. The individual in this position must be capable of performing all of the essential functions with or without a reasonable accommodation Must be able to pass any federal/state/local government, airport, or company-required background checks, clearances, and/or drug and alcohol tests.


    401(k), Dental, Direct Deposit, Holidays, Medical, Vision

    Our offer

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.

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