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  • Locație
    Warsaw, Masovia, Polonia
    Career Level
    Specialist cu experienta
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Full time
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 341861

    Activitățile dumneavoastră

    • Provide IT-technical consultancy, answer general technical inquiries and questions, provide clear and concise consulting advice and recommendations, conforming to Schenker standards and best practices,
    • Early-stage clarification, understand and review customer and business requirements, conduct feasibility analysis Close collaboration with all involved parties, IT dialogue with customer IT
    • IT relevant transformation of business cases, analyse existing setups and landscape, merging them with new requirements, prepare analysis result reports
    • Create solution design packages, including visualization, conversion rules, conditions, logics, effort and cost validation as well as technical documentation for the hand-over to our development teams
    • Responsible for the technical solution design to maintain and enhance our Schenker internal data flow
    • Identify and notify potential candidates for additional standards and demands to IT landscape systems
    • Analysis and support of the production environment, as well as continuous analysis and optimization of existing processes
    • Discuss projects and exchange knowledge and experiences in an international environment


    • Graduate degree in Computer Science, study in IT management, or comparable education with excellent degree
    • Experiences in project management for EDI or API projects
    • Experiences in common formats of data interchanges (EDIFACT, ANSI X.12, XML, JSON, SAP IDoc, RosettaNet etc.)
    • Practical skills in technical communication protocols and experiences in dealing with standard integration platforms respectively converter software
    • Logistics industry knowledge would be advantageous
    • Willingness to learn & flexibility
    • Customer and service orientation
    • Understanding of business and IT processes
    • Agile and analytical mindset, able to work under pressure and deal with complexity
    • Very good team orientation, able to work in a virtually, self-organized team
    • Fluent written and spoken Business English
    • Adequate communication capabilities on international level

    Oferta noastră

    Responsible for the design of optimal and sustainable state-of-the-art IT solutions, for the integration of customer IT systems with our Schenker IT Landscape, as well as for the integration demands from our internal partners.

    The Solution Manager assesses the prepared business requirements and designs the optimal solution specification based on the Business Requirement Specification. The Solution Manager translates operational requirements into the best possible technical solution fitting into the DB Schenker IT target landscape. With detailed knowledge of the integration IT systems, available standards, technical formats and their capabilities and restrictions, the Solution Manager serves as consultant for all PM&I teams and related stakeholders.


    DB Schenker is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.

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