Găsiți exact ceea ce căutați

  • Vă rugăm să selectați locația și limba

  • Locație
    Groningen, Țările de Jos
    Career Level
    Specialist cu experienta
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Full time
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 335997

    Activitățile dumneavoastră

    The position
    As a DC Supervisor you are responsible for managing, coordinating and organizing the flow of parts to, from and between the various buildings on site. This includes direct shipments coming from external locations and shipments moving between buildings on site. You have a strong focus on continuous improvement and ask questions rather than having the answers ready. You have experience in managing productivity and know how to keep the team focused. You will lead a team of four, young but experienced, team leads with whom you will guarantee the quality of the service delivered to our customer.
    In short
    • Safety comes 1st
    • Strong customer focus
    • Strives for 100% quality
    • Drives productivity
    • Driven by continuous improvement
    • Asks questions rather than having the answer ready
    • Coordinate with the team and customer on a daily basis


    We ask
    • Higher education (HBO) or equivalent ability
    • At least 2-5 years experience as a leader
    • A coaching leadership style
    • Speaks and writes in English (must-have)
    • Living in the Groningen area is considered an advantage
    We offer
    • A competitive salary
    • 27.5 vacation days
    • Career opportunities & room for personal development
    • Fixed travel allowance
    • Advantageous pension scheme
    • Annual profit sharing
    • Company laptop and telephone
    A pre-employment screening is part of this procedure.

    Oferta noastră

    Do you not recognise yourself in all the requirements mentioned, but are you interested and motivated? Then do not hesitate and apply immediately! We will then look at the possibilities together.

    DB Schenker relies on specialists and managers who excel in their profession. If you want to be part of a team of forward-thinking professionals, we offer unlimited opportunities for active employees. We wish you a warm welcome to Schenker. Together we can reach great heights.


    DB Schenker is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.

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