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Two Women sowing seeds in a tree nursery.
Two Women sitting on the ground, sorting young trees.
Drone shot of a smallscale farm in Brazil.
Drone-shot of project area, still sparseley green hilly terrain.

DB Schenker moves for WeForest

In the course of our great company challenge we will donate all kilometers accumulated during the first quarter of the year to the charitable organization WeForest.

Together with WeForest, we support projects to protect the environment and drive forest conservation. In Desa’a, Northern Ethiopia, we support the reversing of desertification and poverty through forest landscape restoration. In Brazil, we help restore the Atlantic Forest and protect watersheds to bring back wildlife. Find out more about the projects we support:

Project 1: Ethiopia, Desa'a

The Desa’a Forest is one of the oldest remaining dry afromontane forests in Ethiopia. Over 26,000 people live below the poverty line here, relying on the forest for water, energy and to feed their cattle. This ambitious, award-winning project aims to restore and protect arid afromontane and bring water back to this region, which is directly threatened by desertification coming from the north, and lift the rural communities out of extreme poverty. 

Three Women in long dresses shepherding a flock of animals on a sparsely green hill.

Reversing land degradation and poverty through forest landscape restoration

Area restored: 9,917 ha
Trees: 9,649,240

Ethiopia Desa'a | WeForest


Project 2: Brazil, wildlife corridors

No other large tropical forest has suffered as much loss as Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. WeForest is working with IPE to restore the forest and bring back wildlife, as well as helping communities make a living from restoring and protecting the forest. By reconnecting the Morro do Diabo State Park to the surrounding forest fragments, we donate to create more space and migration routes so that endangered species such as black lion tamarins, jaguars, tapirs and macaws will thrive again.

Older man standing in the sun, watching the project.

Restoring the Atlantic Forest to bring back wildlife

Area restored: 1,141 ha
Trees: 2,282,500

wildlife corridors | WeForest

About WeForest

Established in 2010, WeForest develops holistic and multi-stakeholder reforestation projects through a Forest and Landscape Restoration approach. Their vision is of a world where communities and nature sustainably thrive together to stop global warming ‘in our lifetime’. Their mission is focused on conserving and restoring the ecological integrity of forest landscapes with local communities to deliver lasting solutions for climate, nature, and people. Today WeForest has over 40 000ha (47 million trees) under restoration across 3 continents.

Man looking at his fitness armband in front of a DB Schenker truck

Leading The Way Challenge

A girl in a colorful clothing and a hat smiling into the camera

We move for a humanitarian cause in Q4

Woman cooking with the wood gasifier stove

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Sea turtle underwater

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