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  • Person holding a chip

    Semiconductor Supply Chain Management

    From nano to terra, we offer “Moore” than just supply chain management.

    Market Update

    • Materials and Consumables

      • Silicon
      • Reticles 
      • Lead Frames 
      • Wires 
      • Gas and Chemicals

      Related Products

      • Air Freight – Expedited Air Freight and handling
      • Ocean Freight – FCL, LCL, DG
      • Land Transport – Dedicated transports
      • Contract Logistics – Spare part logistics

    • Equipment

      • OEM, Suppliers 
      • Refurbished
      • Tools 
      • Brokers

      Related Products

      • Air Freight – Temperature and humidity control, shock sensitive, tarmac access
      • Ocean Freight – FCL, LCL (old tools, main bodies)
      • Land Transport – Special handling, temperature and humidity control, air-suspension trucks
      • Contract Logistics – Buffering storage (special environment), bonded warehouse, spare part logistics

    • Chip Manufacturer

      • IDM 
      • Fab-Lite 
      • Fabless

      Related Products

      • Air Freight – OBCs, expedited, direct and consol services
      • Ocean Freight – Reverse logistics, scrap material
      • Land Transport – Distribution, domestic and x-border (TAPA TSR), armed trucks, taxi runs
      • Contract Logistics – In-house services, X-docking, PVMI, tool storage, tool move in/out

    • Outsourced Manufacturing

      • Pure-Play
      • Foundries 
      • OSATs

      Related Products

      • Air Freight – Direct and consol service
      • Ocean Freight – FCL, LCL, DG
      • Land Transport – First/last mile transport
      • Contract Logistics – Tool move in/out

    Upgrade with AirTrack - Our Eyes and Ears for Your Shipments

    Do you need additional transparency of your sensitive shipments?
    Our air freight tracking solution, AirTrack, gives you peace of mind through telemetric monitoring of your shipments – whether GPS location, temperature, humidity, light exposure, tilt or shock. Whether it is throughout the entire supply chain or at selective point, AirTrack is tailor-made to your needs. Reach out to your DB Schenker Account Manager or our DB Schenker AirTrack Experts with your tracking requirements.

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